
Before a Flood

Learn what areas near your home, or in the places you go in the community, are subject to flooding. During flood times some roads are closed, so make a plan to take alternate routes should you need to. The Cowichan Valley Regional District has information on flood mapping and flood-prone areas in our region.

  • Never drive through flood waters
  • Make an emergency plan
  • Know the potential impact of flooding on your home or property and options to protect your home, such as sandbagging
  • Be prepared to evacuate, and have provisions (including medications) in the event you are unable to leave your home due to flooding

Sandbags and sand are available at several locations (bring your own shovel for filling sandbags). Check the following locations, and if there are no supplies, please contact us at 250-746-3106 or operations@northcowichan.ca.

At home, clear storm drains and gutters of leaves, and ensure culverts in nearby ditches are free of debris. Maintain your sump pumps and ensure they are in working order. Protect your home and property by moving equipment, electrical appliances, and valuables to upper floors.

Pile of sand and stack of empty sandbags at Pinsons Corner
Sand pile and sandbags for filling at Pinson Corner

During a Flood

Download the Cowichan Alert app to learn of evacuation alerts and orders, road closures, and weather bulletins for your area. Listen to local radio stations. Follow the instructions if you are told to evacuate.

Never drive through flooded roads, keep clear of eroded banks and high water creeks and rivers.

If you or someone you see is in danger, call 9-1-1.

Report flood issues such as impacted or damaged roads, public buildings, or parks and trails to North Cowichan Operations at 250-746-3106 during working hours, or 250-746-5112 after hours, weekends, or holidays.

After a Flood

For the first 72 hours following an emergency, those who are evacuated from their home are eligible for support from the Emergency Support Services (ESS) Program. Call 1-800-585-9559.

Following a flood, residents and businesses can take action to reduce damage and begin the recovery process. These steps include:

  • Contact your insurance agency
  • If you do not have flood insurance, contact ESS at 1-800-585-9559.
  • Review the damage if safe to do so. In some cases a placard may have been placed on your door indicating that a Post-Disaster Damage Assessment has been completed. Please follow the instructions on the card for next steps. If the placard indicates unsafe conditions to stay in the home overnight, contact your insurance.
  • If you have not had a damage assessment and believe it is not safe to enter, please contact your local jurisdiction building inspection department (North Cowichan building inspection at 250-746-3102).
  • If you are beginning any repairs or remediation, take pictures of any damage prior to starting.
  • If you are concerned about mold or air quality, contact Health Link B.C. by dialing 8-1-1. For more information on health considerations for flood, see Health Link BC

Financial Support for Flood Recovery

  • The Canadian Red Cross provides assistance to victims of floods. To access these supports, evacuated British Columbians need to register with the Red Cross by calling 1 800 863-6582, between 8am and 8pm (Pacific time).
  • The Government of BC is providing Disaster Financial Assistance to help families repair homes and property from the effects of flood damage. For information, eligibility and to submit an application, visit EmergencyInfoBC 


  • North Cowichan Operations at 250-746-3106 during working hours, or 250-746-5112 after hours, weekends, or holidays. 
  • Cowichan Alert (sign up for important alerts) 
  • EmergencyInfoBC